Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Life Life Life

yesterday was the day of many adventures. Unfortunately I will have to take make a following post of what happened in the night. Anyways, I skateboarded to the parks with my cuz Justus which was basically Ridic..ulously amazing!! hahaha and then chillaxed outside fer surely. My brotha took a ride in his beanerific truck and made himself lean like a chollo around the block. My family is loaded with a bunch of characters that is fer sure. We never seem to care what others think about us. We just chill and act like a bunch of crazies! hahaaha I love hanging with my 13 yr old cousin Tristan He can make me laugh all of the time. We sit and quote movies together, and just Party hardy. hahaha

I'm So happy for the HOLIDAYS! I can Hangout and be myself with the people that mean the world to me!

Monday, November 24, 2008

soon, oh so soon

So, what would you do if the world stopped spinning? Or if you only had few hours left in your life?
well I would stop and stare at Robert Pattinson aka MY LOVER!!!!!
This man, and all of his holiness, is the man of my dreams. He can act, sing, play piano, and remain sexy. The other night as I lay awake, he came to me in a vision of bliss. He told me that we will one day wed, and have beautiful perfect children and everyone will envy our pure god like lives.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


knowing who you are is an all time important thing to have on hand. I am so happy that I KNOW who I am. That I KNOW what I am meant to do. I just feel that sometimes others just don't KNOW who I am.

  1. I am the person that wants to make a difference.
  2. The person that is not afraid to speak her mind.
  3. The one that will stick up for someone else.
  4. The person that cries when someone makes fun of little kids...Brittany.
  5. The person who dresses to impress? hahaha j/k
  6. The girl who sticks out.
  7. The one to make you laugh. or atleast try.
  8. The one to hide in corners just to scare someone.
  9. The one with a calling.
  10. Someone with a purpose.

I KNOW who I am. Do you?

Sunday, November 16, 2008


I love that I still believe that shooting stars have secret magical powers that can accomplish anything. Shooting stars are my anchor that help me see a light when times are hard: they are the antidote to my deepest and darkest fears. They help me remember that I have somebody watching over me and that I will never be alone. I have wished upon many a stars, and all consist of the same and hopeful wish that has yet to come true, but I know that someday it will. I can just feel it in my bones. It seems on my roughest days I will always see a star flutter across the sky, letting me know that it has not forgotten me and my request.
...I hope that in due time my wish will come true. But I have faith that it will all be okay, and I won't be afraid to move on.

Friday, November 14, 2008


so basically I have nothing to report other than I am a lover of celebrities and their ability to make me sAlivate over them. UGH! I must say, I have a mental disability or something, because every 2.5 seconds I have a new lover that I want to pounce on and lick...yes LICK! but whatev, I am pretty sure that any girl my age acts the same way . Sometimes I get a little out of hand though. Like last year I had this EXTREMELY attractive teacher and I wrote him a note asking him if i could LICK him. It is basically ridic this disease that I have hahahahah. but I do love these boys!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Love is in every person. It is just natural to love someone.
I have recently come to the terms that all of us have and will once be "crazy in love". but when exactly will we all experience it?and how will it feel to be in such a state of mind? we all just have to wait for our time to truly understand and to fully get a grasp on such a sacred thing. sometimes, I get scared to picture me love lost and head over hills. But most of the time, I seriously cannot wait to meet the man of my dreams. To feel what they write down in books and what you see in movies. To have that guy that will do anything just to see you smile, and to have that ONE guy that you will do anything for in return. It will just be natural to love this one person, and get lost in the moment every time we kiss, and to never get tired of those butterflies that never cease when ever we touch.
... this is the love that i dream for, the love that is running through every inch of my bones.

Friday, November 7, 2008


There is always something in the way, always something getting through. Sometimes ignorance rings truth, but hope is not in what I know, its not in me...its all I know. I find peace in when I am confused and I find hope when I am let down. I hope to loose myself for good and I hope to find it in the end, not in me, but in you.

hope is what keeps us going on, but love is what keeps us alive.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This week(end)

so basically I arrived back in Arizona for good. I am still going through the typical,"I hope it was the Right choice" phase. But I realize that it is a choice that will help me figure out what I want. I did have a fantabulous weekend and thus far in this week. I got my truck tires rotated, got a job, and then traded my truck for my sister ghetto-licious car haahaha. Anyways, marci and I partied hardy yesterday with the camera. lets just say, that when we were little, my mother dropped us on the head a couple...or a few times. hahaha well I don't have much to say other than whatev with Halloween, and the day after. they were pretty much the lamest of all days. although I did hang out with jota, Courtney, Chelsea, and Gabbi for a while. we watched grease and it was bomb diggity fer surely.

last night I had a hella long conversation with my good friend aslan. We saw changeling together. That movie was so amazing! UGH! i couldn't believe what the cops did just to protect their status under wraps. I also convoed with Alyssa an BRITTANY! I miss them alot. I wish they would of saw me this weekend. They BOTH were here for a long while, well Brittany was. But they are lame faces fer sure! well that is basically it.

I want to thanks my grandma and grandpa for putting up with me though. They helped so much with my stay in Utah and I love them so much. I don't know what I would do with out them.