Wednesday, July 25, 2012

How fickle my heart

Lately everything is so different, so surreal. Finally I am reaching this beautifully happy state of being. Finally I am glad that I chose to move. finally I am over that horrible place in my heart that I so ignorantly thought that I couldn't live without. I don't know how to explain it. It's like I woke up oneday and decided to live, I decided to forget, I decided to push forward. I rose up from the ashes and started again with a fresh look with brand new eyes. So many new and amazing people entered my life and turned it completely upside, or right side up. Either way, I am in a place of bliss, a mind of happiness, a home perfection. I am in state of undying love.

1 comment:

Alyssa said...

I am so thrilled to read this.
I love and miss you, let's get together.