And Rachel: doggy-sounding, deep, down to earth, and never forgets who she is.

These girls make me proud of who I am. We don't party hardy and all the wild crazy stuff, but we do get high on love every time we are with each other. We know what we want and we know how to keep our priorities straight.

We celebrated Britt's birthday together. It was fun, and crazy cold/scary. Brittany and I were tragically bailed on by people(who will remain anonymous) when a dog nearly killed us! sad day, but the past is behind us and that is all that matters...even if they will burn in HADES!

I am sitting in my English class reading this, LAUGHING! Awww, I love that night through your eyes! It was a lot of fun! I can't wait till break. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Have I told you that lately? AND I LOVE YOU!
p.s. that was the scariest time of my life with the scary glowing dog.
okay first of all we didn't bail we had to pee. that is a legit reason to leave your two friends in the dark and run away when you hear a dog attacking them.
this is amazing and that was a good time. it always is.:]
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